I want to say thank you to all of the people that have supported me through the last 5 1/2 years of this journey. You are all amazing and I have sew enjoyed meeting you and talking with you. I am now headed down a different road and wanted to share that with you. My association with the old organization is over. I am not sure where this road will lead and I am actually very open to suggestions of opportunities. I want to use my sewing skills to help others but I am not sure how. My Facebook page has changed names and now is in line with this blog… calling the Facebook page Sew Delightful. I have learned a lot in the last 3 weeks about myself. I am quite sensitive and serious… and always thought that that was kind of a bad thing but I have realized that actually it is good… remembering and truly believing that I (and everyone) am fearfully and wonderfully made. God made me the way He wants me to be and He uses those very qualities to help others. Sew now let the new adventure begin...
And I would like to share with you my favorite verse...
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
You are loved and appreciated.
Always remembering the sharing, giving, laughter and ladies together with common goals.
love that verse as well!! I know that God will show you the way to a new adventure to embark upon! Prayers for you! You have done so much for so many!! xoxo
I have enjoyed your dress sewing adventure and can't wait to see your next creations. You said you were open to ideas....I love sewing for Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts, both packing my own and giving extras for shoe boxes that come in not full enough. Kristy, over at Hopeful Threads blog has dozens of charity sewing ideas. She has an ongoing "FLUFF" project providing stuffed friends for kids in foster care; she has also sewn for Alzheimer patients, hospital patients, premies, kids and elders on reservations, bibs for a China orphanage and more. She is a dear gal and would love to share her many ideas. Looking forward to following your new path!
Thank you ladies… you are the best!!!!
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