Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sierra Leone

Lynn and Nick came recently and picked up 777 dresses. These dresses will be going to Sierra Leone.  If you would like to learn more about this ministry and country... go to Greatest Goal Ministries   Sierra Leone suffered a civil war that began in 1991 and officially ended in 2001.  Approximately 75,000 people died during the war and there were over 10,000 amputations by machete and bullets.  Now 10 years after the civil war, Sierra Leone is struggling to survive.  It is one of the poorest countries in the world according to the National Human Development Report Office.  Most of the people live on less than 2 cents per day.

These dresses are our third group going to Sierra Leone and we are pleased to partner with Greatest Goal Ministries and provide dignity and care to little ones in need!!

If you would like to help Please email me at

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