Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year Resolution

I have never made a public New Year Resolution and it is a bit scary!!  My goal is to make at least 350 in 2013.  We make simple sundresses and t-shirt dresses for girls in need around the world.  Here is a link to guidelines and patterns and all that kind of info

Well I have started my journey and will report on it here occasionally...

Here are my first five dresses...

If you would like more information just email me at


  1. love these delightful...thanks for sharing the "how to do"....

  2. I am so in on this wonderful charity, I have started and so far this year I have made over 20.

  3. That is amazing Sue... I just finished number 8!!

  4. Good luck with your goal, Suzanne. I'm sure you'll achieve 350 dresses. I thought I'd set myself a goal for dresses this year, but am thinking more like 50. Love the first dress!!!
